Morag Ross

Film / TV

Agnes Brown - Anjelica HustonArrival_Amy AdamsCharlotte Gray - Cate Blanchett 2Charlotte Gray - Cate Blanchett 3Charlotte Gray - Cate BlanchettFour Christmases - Vince VaughnFred Claus - Vince VaughnGiorni Thony, Lucs Marinelli_Tutti I SantiHeaven - Cate Blanchett 2Heaven - Cate BlanchettHugo - Helen McCrory 2Hugo - Helen McCrory 3Hugo - Helen McCrory 4Hugo - Helen McCroryHugo_Asa ButterfieldHugo_Christopher LeeHugo_Sasha Baron CohenHyde Park On The Hudson - Bill Murray 2Hyde Park On The Hudson - Laura LinneyHyde Park On The Hudson - Olivia WilliamsHyde Park On The Hudson_Bill MurrayIl Tigre E La Neve - Nicoletta Braschi 2Il Tigre E La Neve - Nicoletta BraschiIl Tigre E La Neve - Roberto BenigniIm Not There - Cate BlanchettIndiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Cate Blanchett 2Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Cate BlanchettLes Miserables - Claire DanesLes Miserables - Liam NeesonLost In Translation - Bill MurrayLost In Translation - Scarlett JohanssonMR Manifesto - Cate Blanchett CoverImageMrs America_Cate BlanchettPinocchio - Nicoletta Braschi 2Pinocchio - Nicoletta BraschiRage - Jude Law 2Rage - Jude LawSource Code - Jake Gyllenhaal 2Source Code - Jake GyllenhaalStar Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace - Liam NeesonThe Black Dahlia - Hillary SwankThe Gift - Cate Blanchett 2The Gift - Cate BlanchettThe Gift - Giovanni RibisiThe Gift - Keanu ReevesThe Lost City - Bill MurrayThe Man Who Cried - Cate Blanchette 2The Man Who Cried - Cate BlanchetteThe Man Who Cried - Christina Ricci 2The Man Who Cried - Christina RicciThe Reaping - Hillary SwankVeronica Guerin - Cate Blanchett


Anna & The King - Chow Yun FatElizabeth - The Golden Age - Cate Blanchett 2Elizabeth - The Golden Age - Cate Blanchett 3Elizabeth - The Golden Age - Cate Blanchett 4Elizabeth - The Golden Age - Cate BlanchettIndiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Cate Blanchett 2Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull - Cate BlanchettOrlando - Billy ZaneOrlando - Quentin CrispOrlando - Tilda Swinton 2Orlando - Tilda Swinton 3Orlando - Tilda Swinton 4Orlando - Tilda Swinton, Billy Zane 2Orlando - Tilda Swinton, Billy ZaneOrlando - Tilda SwintonRob Roy - Liam Neeson 2Rob Roy - Liam Neeson 3Rob Roy - Liam NeesonSense & Sensibility - Alan RickmanSense & Sensibility - Emma Thompson 2Sense & Sensibility - Hugh GrantSense & Sensibility - Kate Winslet, Alan RickmanSense and Sensibility - Emma ThompsonStar Wars Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace - Liam NeesonThe Aviator - Cate Blanchett 2The Aviator - Cate BlanchettThe Crying Game - Jaye Davidson 2The Crying Game - Jaye Davidson
